Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sergeant Keroro

Sergeant Keroro

Ahh... it's been long since my last anime review. Perhaps I've not been watching any anime recently that is worth writing a review. Anyway, this week anime review features a-must-introduce-anime for all the anime fans out there, Sergeant Keroro / Keroro Gunsou.

Anime Review

On this long-running animation comedy, a platoon of frog-like alien invaders gets into all sorts of trouble in their quest for world domination.

Be prepared to laugh your hearts out in this wild, wacky and oddball comedy that is Sergeant Keroro. A platoon of frog-like alien invaders has landed on Earth and their main task is to occupy the planet and bring it under their control.

However, things do not go as planned as the platoon mates are separated on Earth and the leader of the platoon, Sergeant Keroro, is discovered and captured by members of the Hinata household. Sergeant Keroro is reduced to being their maid and he is stuck with the unenviable task of doing mundane household chores everyday.

As he reunites with his other platoon members, hilarity ensures. The members of the Hinata household are not only amused by Sergeant Keroro and his other platoon mates, they also find themselves foiling the invaders with many odd alien ways and mission of world domination. Other quirky and goofy characters, hailing both from Earth and from outer space, also join in to add plenty of colour and laughter to the series.

I just need to post Tamama's pic,
I think he looks super cute here haha :P

Opening theme: Kero! to March by Noburo Kakuda
Closing theme: Afro Gunsou by Dance Man

My End Verdict:
With a wide variety of anime and pop-culture references, this light-hearted, fun and entertaining comedy is sure to delight and amuse.

Rating: 3.5/5.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sweet 19th

Sweet 19th

Study break started~!
and assignment due date drawing closer and closer, same goes to our final

*lameness and retarded-ness aside from now*

Celebrating the blessing birthday of Ian's and Ting Kang's on Friday in Sunway Pyramid. I'm sorta sick of that place already, T__T many many time when I have a meet up with my secondary friends or even college friends and even my university's friends, it always Sunway Pyramid hahah... I think there's an evil mummy in this "pyramid" casted an evil curse on me to make sure I return to his "lair" every time an outing is planned.

Ok, enough of my "sick-of-pyramid-mummy-curse" complaint. I'll continue my purpose of writing this post entry ;)

Met with them in Sakae Sushi
and celebrated...

Ting Kang's

Birthday~ ;D

*Making a wish*
If you're wondering what am I doing in this picture?
Let me tell ya, I'm trying to listen to their wishes
ngek ngek..

Happy people with happy faces LOL

Cake no.1 (right) Ian's B'day cake
Purchased in the bakery stall called "Bread Story"
Layered with fresh cream and coated with chocolate *yum*

Cake no.2 (left) Ting Kang's B'day cake
Also from "Bread Story"
Fully decorated with fresh fruits on the surface
Layered with bits and pieces of peach *appetizing*

13 pink plates
9 green plates
4 red plates
2 yummeh cakie LOL

I was actually quite full when its time for "cake"
but I still eat it anyway xD
*ignore the dollar sign*

Me, Jenq and Ian
Something we three have in common, guess!?
"spectacles" :P

Any Japanese cuisine lover?
Join the Sakae Sushi fan club, no fee charged!

Order this much every time you dine here
Benefits for being a legitimate member?
free ocha LOL ... =D

Not so true la, in Malaysia, nothing is free! and everything is free = no good :P

Okay, due to many last minute ffk-er due to our last minute planing LOL
we then drop the idea of paint-ball and put our archery skill to a test!

Determination before the game commence

Motto for the match of the day
Try to hit as many *bullseye* and have fun xD

First time holding a bow in my hands
seriously damn heavy! x_X

*It's not easy to be Robin Hood* Quote from Ian
Haha so true @_@

The weird thing is sometimes when I shoot my arrows, the board rejects it and my arrow bounced back... scary @_@

Candid shot
Woah... nice timing! like mirror image~ xD

Cannot tell you the name for each and who's target board is it
But I can tell you that Robin Hood's successor is at target board no.1

I'm ending my post here with a Happy Birthday wish to
Ting Kang and Ian xD

May the world be acknowledged and become aware of this special day by advertising you two on billboards haha ;D

p/s: Wilson, get well soon ;)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Twigs Tells

Twigs Tells

At the beginning of summer, I planted some perilla and basil
With the summer light, they grew fast
But with the July typhoon, the tallest perilla broke
After seeing the bent perilla, my mother said...
"That's not going to get better, so break it off there..."
"That way a new shoot will grow, and so that new leaves will grow beautifully"

But I was hesitant about it
Since, the small leaves on the twig were still healthy
Not changing at all from when it broke

Being with someone you really like, yet knowing that you dont have the slightest chance in getting the attention you need from them. It's frustrating...

You start changing who you are, dress the way you never dressed before, a total change of outer looks and your inner personality just so that you could impress and finally hear those words from them.

It's very uncomfortable when you have to insert so much effort in doing a personality change just to blend in, but whats more disturbing and uncomfortable is "not being yourself" at all times. It sure looks like we're are having fun on the facade, but deep down inside there is a different story to it.

Still I put my hopes in it that maybe I could turn your heart just a little. Why am I end up dreaming? Over and over again, as if that's all I know.

And so I finally understood what is my next step, when you know there's no possibilities in this relationship, break it off and move on...

After a few days, when I went to the balcony
The bent twig had collapsed under its own weight and laid on the dirt
Just like mom said
The only thing to do with this was to break it off where it had bent
That's where I should have put an end to it, and let new sprout grow
That was the only choice

To end this meaningless worries...

And be myself again

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Deviant Art =3

Deviant Art =3

Inspired by pretty floras, Im gonna draw and paint a super huge picture of flowers wtf!

Step 1
Sketch your work!
Try to draw it with a HB pencil or be gentle when you draw your lines
So when you actually start painting, you can cover them with ease
Instead of rubbing off later <.<

Step 2
It's gonna be tedious from step 2 onwrads...
Cause I usually colour it by layers
Start off with the lighter colours as base

Step 3
After the base is done
Moving on and work on the shadows and highlights
and your painting will starts to stands out

Woah, it's like an art tutorial I'm giving kekeke

Tada, I'll name it
Haha, I'm still considering whether to add black as shadow!
What do you think? Haihz indecisive

Anyway, the flowers here are Magnolia, Orchid and Iris

Some of my other "Old Masterpiece*

Blue Mountain

I have no idea why I painted it blue
At first I wanted to paint an ocean view
but end up it become a picture of mountains wtf~!
But I still love this piece most <3

Crane bringing the sunrise
Ignore my ugly calligraphy writing T__T

Auspicious "8"
Inspired by the lucky number 8 wtf

Okay, this one is a bit special
Instead of water painting, I use Photoshop xD

My first piece, and my proudest piece in digital painting
*beam of joy wtf*

Finally, I finished colouring one of my drawing digitally - Photoshop xD
My photoshop skills are still crappy, alot of doubts with how to function all those pretty "buttons" wtf, not very pro la... T____T *learning*

(edit) Sandra just guessed the personality of these 3 characters that I intended to give them, and she's so accurate =.=". Dear Sandra, do you know you have a gifted talent in "anime" face reading wtf haha.. use it wisely LOL~! ;D

Oh yeah, and I also finally manage to upload these pictures in my long-time abandoned DeviantArt muahahaha...

That's all for today la, tata.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008



Never know how it feels like~

With a tender touch and unsophisticated looks
They know they are meant to be
A fable similar to any fairy tales
Yet it's better than that

One can picture love so well in her illusion
Surreal but masquerade
In a mind that have not realize perhaps
Yet one so desperately desires it


An author who wrote the most perfect love story
But yet she never experience it

Living in solitary
She ask herself the big question in numerous occasion
"What is love?"

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Beautiful On The Inside

Beautiful On The Inside
(p/s: please don't interpret this title the wrong way, ty)

Bro has went back to UK again to further his studies
T___T sad sad sad...
I can't sleep tonight and this could be the reason...
Or maybe not

So I surf websites
Reading through my emails
I come across this interesting story
And want to share it with you all

A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: 'I am blind, please help.' There were only a few coins in the hat.

A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.

Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, 'Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?'

The man said, 'I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way.' What he had written was: 'Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it.'

Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?

Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?

Moral of the Story: Be thankful for what you have. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively.

Invite others towards good with wisdom.

Live life with no excuse and love with no regrets.

When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile.

Face your past without regret.

Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.

Keep the faith and drop the fear.

Great men say, 'Life has to be an incessant process of repair and reconstruction, of discarding evil and developing goodness.... In the journey of life, if you want to travel without fear, you must have the ticket of a good conscience.'

The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling... And even more beautiful is, knowing that you are the reason behind it!!!

Life is an endless Marry-go-Round
It always goes up and down
But nevertheless, living life is an exhilarating experience.

When I read this post
It puts on a smile on my face


Friday, September 19, 2008



The feeling of being pulled in a million directions, builds up more stress and a frantic chill. Bombarded with information and various options in hoping for better understanding of the environment perspective and accommodation in Adelaide, I seriously need some rest and recuperation and for one second to forget all responsibility at shoulders.

I wish I have a grand piano
up-rights are great too, but grand piano would be lovely ;D

A little bit sluggish and fragile at the moment, but do let me provide those piano-freako some good news hehe. If you're a genuine piano lover like me, you'll surely to fall in love with these two site that I'm about to introduce you all. I found 1 amazing website just about yesterday while browsing from server to server, I finally got hold to this spectacular web that possessed collection of various genres of music score, a range from solo instrument to the trio performance.

There are plenty of wonderful scores available from many well known legends during the 80s to the present artist as well! Here are the links:



Likewise, when we have score derived from pop music sensations, we also have music score especially for anime lovers as well xD. I would like to endow some great news to those pianist that loves anime, as this website seriously contains myriad of scores too, from the theme songs to the endings xD.

Note most of the music scores are composed by fallow anime fans =). They show great commitment and dedication in producing these score. Abundant thanks <3>


The analogy between these 2 web-site is undefinable, both equally well accomplished. Hope you all young pianist find useful to this website! =)

Ahhh.... I felt my retarded-ness wtf~!

p/s: I love sushi duh~!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Bowl Full Of Memories

A Bowl Full Of Memories

It's always been cloudy every afternoon for these recent weeks, at the exact time! Mum and dad was rushing in their busy schedule to get things ready for my bro's departure on Sunday, and there was I staring at my lunch, a bowl of wan tan mee soup.

Eating in my own phase, an inevitable eccentric feeling followed by a momentary interruption of my thought came to vision.

A day of quality time with my family in conjunction with the celebration of lantern festival, watches fire burns as we lit the candles until the glowing dim as an ember, in my thought, gosh how I gonna miss all this cherished moments when next year were to come and definitely will! How I wish time could just stop at that special moment or extend a minute longer. Futile, time doesn't stop, time never stops, it'll just flew by.

That day, at that moment, that sincere warm feeling I felt came back to me again. When everyone was together, doing the same task, sharing the same thought while we're having it and partake in brief moments spent sitting together chit-chatting, it's distinctively delightful.

Ahhh... so be it, the vast possibilities laid ahead us, with more stories to unfold, and even more memorable moment to be cherish and experience. So let it be, let each of these moments reveals glimmers of where it comes from and embrace fond memories we all long for.

With the chime of the bell, it was 2pm now. I was wide aware now after stumbled across this thought. Ambiguous towards my present feelings, I wield my fork and began to chew my lunch again as I put on an enigmatic smile.

Sometimes, a bowl full of sweetness is what we need


Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Mooncake Festival

Happy Mooncake Festival

You can call me childish, you can ask me to grow up, but at heart im still a kid (that's what I like to think haha) Yes, it was mooncake festival on the 14 of September, Sunday, or some might refer it as Lantern Festival.

It has become my perpetual habit to celebrate every year ok?
I'm super excited to light those candles OMG xD

It was drizzle that day so we have no choice but to hang them under our pergola

Mama Candle giving birth to other small candles haha
excuse my lameness and retarded-ness :P

I love playing with candles during this time of year (Mooncake festival)
It gives me a good hunch of a promising good year laid ahead just by looking at it flames

This was actually my first shot of when we starting lighting lanterns
Simply loves how the fire glows xD

Me with this moon shape lantern
I think the round ones are super nice lo, seldom see lantern with sphere shape

Me and my dedicated mummy xD

My beloved mummy and my sweet sister ;)

Life brief candle - life is short
Form 1 literature haha

The more I look at this picture,
the more I visualize it as a sponge cake with candles wtf T__T

I thought that these shoots turned out quite pretty xD

See how the fire flames from the edge of the string...

Don't misunderstood me
I'm not trying to burn my garden ok :P

This shot was randomly taken by my sister
and my dad agrees it is the best photo among the others
Lol T___T
Somehow, I have to agree as well la, although its merely a street lamp but the lighting reflected perfectly upon those trees that somewhat makes it a wonderful picture. xD

Lanterns hanging on climbing trailing plant xD

More lanterns ;D

The day ended with a swell of happiness and joy, by spending more time with my sister and family playing lanterns LOL...

More updates ahead xD, right now.. good night everyone~~~ Zzzz