Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Wonderful Crappy Week

My Wonderful Crappy Week

The last few weeks have been hectic and happening, with law assignment, presentation, assignments and financial accounting mid test. Gosh glad thats over and I have two weeks or so before having to embracing of all four courses block lecture, last few assignments and lastly the finals~!

A busy time when students are loaded with work, but who cares when the fringe benefits are fantastic? But hey, that's okay. Life is full of ups and downs, its all about balancing life =)

Last week was my alter definition of hell (well sorta =P), not only having to face two due dates, also i'm way behind in my tutorial work =(. After a period of continuously attending my tutorial replacement classes, finally back on track. Damn assignments~! I should really do something about my procrastination habit, it's getting out of hand~!

Ok, just a quick update during the past weeks, i mean days =D

Yesterday, 13th September, went out with Sandra and her friends, barely know them but they are somewhat interesting individuals (Stanley, Rachel and i forgot his name ;P). Why are we hanging out? Cause it's Sandra's birthday, Happy Birthday Sandra (again) LOL... hope you like your gift :P. That day, we spent the whole morning and afternoon watching 2 movies:

#1 The Other Boleyn Girl

A movie that you can't miss it if you have read the novel, so yeah, obviously the movie derived from a book! I could have enjoyed it more if those bunch of kids weren't sitting behind my seat, they are hyperactive kids ok... they were chatting from start to end wtf. So here is a good reminder, if there are kids sitting behind you, change your seats!!! Anyway, go watch~! =)

#2 Money No Enough 2

If you have watched the first movie of "Money No Enough* then you can expect nothing more but more laughter on the way in this comedy movie, "Money No Enough 2"~! Sure i almost cried when the three (useless) sons treat her mother like trash! and bla bla bla (ok Im not gona spoilt it for you, so go watch)

*no picture available* D=

Haha, overall was a great day, we had fun. When I got home, super jetlagged to do any homework T___T. so yeah, you see la, today suppose to start doing my tutorial but end up blogging grrrrrr......

So this post is to apologize and make up for not blogging for so long ok~? haha :P

Oh,... and Happy Moon Cake Festival everyone =D

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