Inspired by pretty floras, Im gonna draw and paint a super huge picture of flowers wtf!
Step 1
Sketch your work!
Try to draw it with a HB pencil or be gentle when you draw your lines
So when you actually start painting, you can cover them with ease
Instead of rubbing off later <.<
It's gonna be tedious from step 2 onwrads...
Cause I usually colour it by layers
Start off with the lighter colours as base
Step 3
After the base is done
Moving on and work on the shadows and highlights
and your painting will starts to stands out
Tada, I'll name it
Haha, I'm still considering whether to add black as shadow!
What do you think? Haihz indecisive
Anyway, the flowers here are Magnolia, Orchid and Iris
Blue Mountain
I have no idea why I painted it blue
At first I wanted to paint an ocean view
But I still love this piece most <3
Crane bringing the sunrise
Inspired by the lucky number 8 wtf
Instead of water painting, I use Photoshop xD
My first piece, and my proudest piece in digital painting
*beam of joy wtf*
Finally, I finished colouring one of my drawing digitally - Photoshop xD
My photoshop skills are still crappy, alot of doubts with how to function all those pretty "buttons" wtf, not very pro la... T____T *learning*
(edit) Sandra just guessed the personality of these 3 characters that I intended to give them, and she's so accurate =.=". Dear Sandra, do you know you have a gifted talent in "anime" face reading wtf haha.. use it wisely LOL~! ;D
Oh yeah, and I also finally manage to upload these pictures in my long-time abandoned DeviantArt muahahaha...
That's all for today la, tata.
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