Thursday, September 25, 2008

Twigs Tells

Twigs Tells

At the beginning of summer, I planted some perilla and basil
With the summer light, they grew fast
But with the July typhoon, the tallest perilla broke
After seeing the bent perilla, my mother said...
"That's not going to get better, so break it off there..."
"That way a new shoot will grow, and so that new leaves will grow beautifully"

But I was hesitant about it
Since, the small leaves on the twig were still healthy
Not changing at all from when it broke

Being with someone you really like, yet knowing that you dont have the slightest chance in getting the attention you need from them. It's frustrating...

You start changing who you are, dress the way you never dressed before, a total change of outer looks and your inner personality just so that you could impress and finally hear those words from them.

It's very uncomfortable when you have to insert so much effort in doing a personality change just to blend in, but whats more disturbing and uncomfortable is "not being yourself" at all times. It sure looks like we're are having fun on the facade, but deep down inside there is a different story to it.

Still I put my hopes in it that maybe I could turn your heart just a little. Why am I end up dreaming? Over and over again, as if that's all I know.

And so I finally understood what is my next step, when you know there's no possibilities in this relationship, break it off and move on...

After a few days, when I went to the balcony
The bent twig had collapsed under its own weight and laid on the dirt
Just like mom said
The only thing to do with this was to break it off where it had bent
That's where I should have put an end to it, and let new sprout grow
That was the only choice

To end this meaningless worries...

And be myself again

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