Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Blood Type A, B, AB and O

Blood Type A, B, AB and O

This is a very funny and interesting comic stripe that I received from my primary friend Daniel. Thanks for this entertaining comic ya =). Do you know that the different blood type inside a human can actually determine ones behaviours? Well.. here are some cartoon pictures for you to analyse how people of different blood type react under different situations. My blood type is "O" and the way I see it, there are some quite accurate and it representing the way I'm currently behaving, so that is why I share it with you all la and see what your blood type have to say ;)

#1. In the cafeteria

People with AB blood type leh, probably sure have something came up to him and got to leave in the middle of something. Whilst the O blood type, quite "38" and very eager of wanting to know what is happening to others. People of A blood type, worries too much but lack of initiative to find out the happenings in his/her surrounding. And the B blood type person leh, are a very very ignorance person if the matter doesn't concern he/she. Right! so this explained much that how "kepoh" I am.... =.=

#2 Put them in a room, where do they stand?

The whole picture, when you put them together~~

Haha, this fit my personality perfectly! When I'm out at a mall or even an exhibition... you sure can see me walking here and there one. I really don't know where to go honestly, all I just do was roaming aimlessly until I see something attractive that caught my attention. If not, I'll just keep walking until it's time to go back or perhaps it's lunch time or maybe I'm carrying something too heavy and want to take a rest. And that's only when I will duduk diam diam one.. lol~

I remembered in my high school years, during "gerak gempur", whereby all students go to the school hall in random called 2 periods (yay, no class) to choose and decide which clubs or societies we want to sign up. I can still remember I was with my two friends walking here and there deciding which club to join, we were like asking "how much marks can I get for our curriculum report card" haha. After we signed up for the clubs we want to join, we still like to jalan-jalan until we get exhausted wtf. So I think this really resembles me and that resolved the case of "why I'm still so thin though I hate to workout mystery"... no, seriously! I hate workout. :P

#3 Punctuality

People with O blood type always late! and give excuses afterwards (now this doesn't apply to me! I'm quite punctual one okay?) . Whilst people with blood type B very indecisive. The day before he/she can say "okay, I will come", and the next day he/she may "ffk" without informing others. Somewhat B type is a very reactive person that changes his/her mind easily. So double confirm a person with B blood type whenever you have an outing with them! =D

#4 Specialty

In this scene, people with blood type A, O and AB only complain inside their thoughts; however people with B blood type have the tendency to speak out their minds *cool*! Very straight forward. Of course, to avoid hurting other people's feelings, try not to say bad things about the person when he/she is somewhere near you la. =P

I pretty much keep my thoughts to myself most of the time. But I will still comeplain also la, if I am in a safe place first.

#5 When responsibility is appointed to them =)

People with A blood type is super rajin wtf. People like me definitely can't compare with A type de. And this is another good example of me when it comes to work and responsibilities. O blood type people like me always want to take a break first before commencing something, so that is why you can see me always doing last minute work! Haha.. omg.. assignments haven't start! D=

Oh, and I like how AB does his work... xD

#6 On the wheel =D

Haha, since now I am a legitimate driver on the road, this applies to me big time! People of AB blood type scare of breaching road regulations; people of B blood type often get distracted; whilst people like me O blood type always complains wtf haha; and A blood type person aims for perfection... (driving also want perfection, drive safe is good enough for me ==")

I'm a little mix to be honest, I'm not entirely O, AB and B, but 100% guarentee I'm not the A type when it comes to driving. If I'm driving a car, I will not breach it's regulation because my priority is to be alive and not to get involve in some accident and injured myself due to stupid carelessness, so I'm part of AB. Also, I easily get distracted by many many things, why? because "kepoh" ma wtf, now at least got improve la, lesser "kepoh", the probability of getting into accident also reduced =). The complain is still part who I am, just cannot help it but to complain on everything when something goes wrong.. lol.

#7 The final analysis

Okay, this is also a very good example of me. Whenever teacher gives out instructions not to do this or that, I will somehow still do it without them noticing /gg =P. The more the teacher stress on it, the temptation of me to do it is even greater wtf. But through rational thinking first la, like if teacher says not to smoke, of course I will not smoke. =)

So, find out your blood type and see whether it matches the character's personality in the comic ma? hehe, hope you enjoyed it, tata.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Tagged Again

Tagged Again

Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.

1. At what age do you wish to marry?
Never thought of it before, maybe 26 above gua, but not too old also la~ :P

2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
Wah.. plenty lo ... of course is sleep, read, eat, listen to music, play the piano, drawing, painting and doing bunch of weird stuff (confidential) =)

3. If you have a close close close close friend since childhood who loves to take away whatever you like, including guys/girls, and he/she always wins, will you still consider him/her your friend?
Define "friend" and you tell me lar, wtf. But I will talk sense with this friend first lo, and if its futile, I will have my sweet revenge first before I *diao* him/her. :P

4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Infinite money! hahaha.

5. Do you believe you can survive without money?
Why not?

6. What are you afraid to lose the most?
Things that are very precious to me.

7. What do you feel like doing, right now?
Distance myself to a prairie far far away, where there is zero pollution, stress, worrisome and responsibilities... ahhh... basically just to achieve maximum relaxation. Before Im back to this hectic world =.=

8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
hmmm....will I? hmmm...... .... hmm..... NOPE! =)

9. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Nep, you got any good qualities I can write here~?

10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Thoughtful, understanding... etc.

11. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Kiasu type

12. What is the most embarrassing thing you've done recently?
I weed on my bed 3 weeks ago @@. Very embarrassing sia, but I dreamt I was in the toilet lo..

13. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
When he/she stuffed banana up in his/her nose and call me stupid wtf.

14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Similar questions, well.. everything that is precious to me~ =)

15. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
my pessimistic self.

16. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
my doppelganger :P

17. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
I see myself mature, taller, heavier (not the fat type la), richer and sitting in a 5 star luxury restaurant eating the most expensive chicken listed in the menu. haha :P

18. Do you think you get hungry because you’re cold, or cold because you’re hungry?
I experienced both before T_T

19. What's your all time favourite candy?
Chocolates, but restrained myself of eating too much.

20. If you could jump to any place in the world right now, where would it be?
China-Shang Hai, Japan, London, Paris, Australia, Franch, Italy... sorry la, I'm very demanding how? :P

I tag:
All of you! =D

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Charlie The Unicorn

Charlie The Unicorn

First thing first, I have to really congratulate myself for pulling me back into an active blogger again =)

Before I start my story of the day, just want to shout-out that this morning I get another chance to eat and enjoy my favorite wan-tan-mee, haha. omg, so damn lucky right? Simple wan-tan-mee that I love generates this yippee-gosh feeling. I guess I'm a simple boy that easily gets pleased of the slightest pleasure in life wtf.

Speaking of happy emo, back to my topic for today! My friend just send me this video from youtube and it was really really hilarious (Thank you for the rescue wei, just the second day of my sem break and I feel so bored adi). Anyway, the synopsis of this story is mainly about a very irritated guy unicorn named Charlie who always get annoyed by his two retarded shem unicorn friends which I really can't tell their gender, purple and pink colour de =.=. and always the purple and pink retard unicorn came and disturb Charlie to go on an adventure with them.

The part that I find it most amusing in the story is not the plot but its the accent how the way that two retarded unicorns speaks literally. Really creaks me up la. But they may act stupid and all on the facade, however deep down inside they have a pure evil characteristics (same as hy). Sympathize Charlie lar haha. Watch it!

Here is the 2 series I received, I think there's only 2 episodes, so enjoy ya. =)

Presenting Charlie the unicorn episode 1

Charlie the unicorn episode 2

Haha, their adventures is seriously lame, but funny in a way. Really lame but funny. Oh gosh, I think I should restrain myself from watching too much xD. I'm starting to speak like them wtf. The first series of Charlie the Unicorn reminds me of an email which I have read 2 days ago, got intimidated by it, shock lar. Boy you must must must read this oo... The story from the email goes something like this...

(click to enlarge)

To help those who don't read mandarin and those who lazy to enlarge it or lazy read that long winded story, I personally translated to English for your convenience and its a shorter version too. It's means something like this:

Scenario #1
There is this fella who went to a Saturday night party and got drunk. Accompanied and escorted by some anonymous ladies to a unknown apartment where they started to drink again. He consumed some unknown food and obviously got him dossed down. When he got up, he finds out he lost himself a kidney wtf. It is said that a kidney can be sold up to 15,000 US dollar in black market. omfg!!

Scenario #2
Same story but in different situation lar, lazy to translate. But you get the point right?

The moral to this story
Haiyo, where got people so dumb one? Just because of some pretty chique and lost of self-control? Where is your human dignity ya wei? Anyway, just play safe, I think that is the best solution. If you want to keep your kidney to yourself. Of course this is applicable to guys only lar wtf -.-".

Just to add... persuaded by Nep yesterday, I've created an account in facebook last night.. yahoo. Now I'm officially a facebook user wtf. But I still don't know how does it works yet, all the functions and stuffs. But will definitely learn la since I have 1 week break now. Can simply click to explore and discover myself lar. So at the mean time, don't forget to add me as friend if you have a facebook account ya =)


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Semester Break!

Semester Break!

Okay this post was supposed to be very very long one, but some how my com hanged and have to restart my com! So lazy to rewrite everything again, I'll make it short la.

Finally semester break is here! Hahah today really sleep like a lazy pig, wakes up at 1pm, well actually I can sleep longer than that, but because my mom burst into my room and wakes me up to eat my breakfast haha, she da bau back wan-tan-mee, yum. Too bad not as warm and tasty as it should be, now its all cold and hard wtf. Of course didn't finish la, although it was da bau from my favourite hawker stall. Argh... what a waste, I love his wan-tan-mee, and I usually get to eat it onces a week only, arghh..
Note to self: wake up early for wan-tan-mee next time =)

My first priority of this sem break was to get as much sleep as possible! sounds "slacky" right? but you know lar, how hectic and tire uni life is, during break le must enjoy. So last night forced mama to take me/us out for dinner wtf Haha. Roaming around to find some nice, condusive place to have our dinner and spotted Ajisen Ramen - The first restaurant I fell in love with, I still remember the first time I went to this restaurant way back in Shang Hai during my last last last visit there, it was pretty packed, luckily manage to get a table laror not how can I be introducing you their ramen wtf. Okay, I deeply fell in love with its ramen, after tried many of the varieties in the menu, the best ramen I ever had was the classics. Damn delicious lar, *dripping saliva*. Ahhh... not forgetting their side menu are also great, like the meat balls, pork balls, dumplings..etc. Their ramen is simply super delicious, superb I tell ya. Omg, feel like flying to Shang Hai and eat ramen again >.<>
Note to self: Eat as much as I can the next visit there =D

Ajisen.. =D

Okay, back to my main story, Malaysian' Ajisen.

Its pretty much the opposite reaction when I tasted it. After putting a mouth full of "noodlelike-which-I-thought-was-ramen-noodle-noodles" into my big mouth. Outcome so different. It reminds me of spaghetti pasta le wtf. I recalled the name of the restaurant was RAMEN, so why am I eating pasta here? Forget about that, the noodle was horrible. Well... to me it taste horrible la, after eating the first class ramen in Shang Hai, I can distinguish the differences when it comes to Malaysian made one, bleuk. =P

I'm not done with this criticism yet, if you dine before in Ajisen, local one la, you noticed they have their dessert menu, which is also very con money one. The picture might be deceiving when the real-thing you ordered came out. Its not what you think it is. I'm sure many have experience similar situation like this, not only me, so you should know what am I talking about. The green tea ice-cream with some sort of jelly thingy we ordered doesn't look that nice compared to the picture we saw in the menu.. and the taste - (I thought the green tea ice-cream taste ok though, not bad =), but the complementary fruits, red beans, jelly and the other stuff which looks like jelly, munch like marshmallows and taste like erm... erhmm.. tasteless =.=. On top of all, they gave us gula-melaka wtf. Green tea ice-cream already stands out with its irresistible aroma, so why the hell with the gula-melaka. Green tea is bitter-sweet for ice-cream la.. which is why I like it so much. but adding the gula is just stupid! Basically all th combination is just really weird. If you have dined in the restaurant in Shang Hai and you dine it here in Malaysia then you will know, the existence of this huge gap that I was talking about.
Note to self: never dine in Ajisen Ramen again, locally of course. =P

My favorite - Ajisen Ramen
~ Extremely appetizing ~


Paiku Ramen

Wah, didn't know I talk so much on food lol... but seriously lar. beh tahan.

Okay, back to my-contemporary-self.

List of assignments to do:
1. Business communication - Assignment 2500 words
2. Management - Case study 2000~3000 words wtf
3. Marketing - Assignment 1000 words + presentation
4. Accounting - Calculation for ratio analysis and report writing.

There goes my semester break? Why do they even bother naming it semester BREAK? Give us a break! wtf. Renamed - assignment week to be precise where I think I would spend most of the time staring at the screen doing assignment research rather than watching tv. But my 8 hours + sleeps is still essential during this so called break. =)

Hmm.. think this post entry should be renamed as well. To Ajisen Ramen ahah..


Monday, April 14, 2008

Let's Play the Tag Tag Game!

Let's Play the Tag Tag Game!

Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5people.

This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first...NO CHEATING!

1. Jia Yi
2. Fang Sean
3. Neptune
4. San Ru
5. Hsiao Yinn


1. how do you meet number 1?
- During Form 2, classmate =)

2. On a scale of 1 -10 how would u rate your friendship with 1?
- 8, good number okay?

3. how long have you known 4?
- 7 years =D

4. How do you know number 3?
- From SAM

5. wheres 5?
- Earth > Malaysia > Selangor > PJ

6. A fact about number 1?
- a flying pig living in outer space =)

7. Who is 4 going out with?
- erm? her friends? lol

8. What does 1 do for a living?
- breathing, eating, sleeping... mainly eating yuk kon =P (still studying)

9. Would you live with number 3?
- No! My food sure hilang one!

10. What do you like about number 2?
- friend =)

11. Do you miss number 5?
- still have contact la

12. Would you make out with number 4?
- .......................

13. What’s your opinion of number 2?
- artistic and easy to be with =)

14. What's your favorite memory with number 5?
- cursed me "bom bom bom" in a game of stacko, bad memory =P

15. What would you do if number 1 and 2 were going out?
- Congrats them lo, haha.

16. Ever had a long conversation with 5?
- if long means more than 1 hour then YES! =)

17. Have you ever slept at 2's house?
- nope

18. Do you hang out with 3 a lot?
- Only when he treats =)

19. Who have you known the longest?
- number 1 & 2 =)

20. How often do you talk to 1?
- when she on9 lo

21. What about 2?
- when we have something to say lo

22. Have you ever thought 3 more then a friend?
- yeah, a gorilla wtf (shhh......) =)

23. Would you go out for a date with 5?
- Haha.. taken.

24. Do you dream about 2?
- not really

25. What did no 4 did to you that you can never forget?
- always bring me to peppercorn, very very hard to forget =P

26. What have you done for 1 that the person never forget?
- Jia Yi, what have I done? lol

27. What's 3 hobby?
- Eat, sleep and Bleach right? ;)

How come 28 is missing?

29. Tag 10 people :
- to those who've read, tag you're IT. lol xP

Sunday, April 13, 2008

La Corda D'oro Primo Passo

La Corda D'oro Primo Passo

Anime Review

KIN’IRO no Corda, also known as La Corda D’Oro (which, in Italian, means “The Golden String”), was a role-playing visual novel and dating simulation game from Koei. It was later adapted into a shojo manga by Kure Yuki. The manga turned out to be very popular, and thus in October 2006, the anime La Corda D’Oro – Primo Passo was aired in Japan.

So, what exactly is La Corda D’Oro? At first glance, it seems to resemble Nodame Cantabile with music being their central theme. However, this is where the similarity ends.

For starters, the main character has zero interest in music – initially, anyway. Besides, Nodame (the protagonist in Nodame Cantabile) doesn’t have a musical fairy, does she?

In La Corda D’Oro, Seisou Academy divides its students into two groups: general education (read: normal) students who wear grey uniforms, and music students who wear cream blazers.
Our grey-uniformed heroine, Hino Kahoko, is late for class one day when she sees the school’s musical fairy Lili. Delighted that Kahoko can see him, the fairy gives the girl a magic violin which enables her to play any piece of music as long as she knows the song and has an emotional connection to the tune.

Musically-challenged Kahoko refuses the offer at first, but Lili pressures her to not only take the violin but to participate in a musical competition being held by the school! Reluctantly, Kahoko takes up the challenge.

Because only music students take part in the competition, imagine their surprise when a general education student enters it. Watch the show yourself to find out the competition results!

This being a shojo manga, the typically sweet, courteous, considerate but naive heroine is swarmed by a number of guys. Among them is Tsukumori Len, a surly character who is unhappy that people take his talent for granted just because his parents are very famous musicians. Through Kahoko, he slowly learns to enjoy playing music.

There is also Tsuchiura Ryutaro, who once played the piano but stopped after an unpleasant experience in a concert. The football player is eventually coaxed back by Kahoko. Like her, he is a general education student and is Len’s rival for Kahoko’s affections.

Then there is the tall, food-loving and trumpet-playing Hihara Kazuki (voiced by Masakazu Morita – Ichigo Kurosaki in Bleach – who visited Malaysia early this month). This overly friendly and outgoing chap also has a crush on Kahoko.

On the other hand is Yunoki Azuma, who used to play the piano but, due to an unwritten rule that dictates the youngest son cannot be better than his older brothers, is forced to turn to the flute. Outwardly kind and considerate, he is a mean and intimidating person.

Shimizu Keiichi, meanwhile, lives by this philosophy: sleep, wake up, play the cello, and repeat. True enough, Kahoko finds him fast asleep on the ground when she first meets him. He is also the youngest of the competitors.

Apart from Kahoko, Fuyuumi Shoko is the only other female in the competition. The first-year student is very shy and looks up to Kahoko as her role model.

Opening theme:
Brand New Breeze by Kanon
Closing theme: Crescendo by Stella Quintet

My End Verdict:
An anime that brings classical music back in trend. Never fails to melt your heart with its heartwarming music sensation. Is sure to swell romance all over you. So don't miss it.

Rating: 4.5/5

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Stroke That Golden String

Stroke That Golden String

Music has so much to offer to mankind. It resembles our deepest feelings, emotions and thoughts under different circumstances, and it never fails as there is always a special tune that suits us perfectly. That is why, music plays a big part in my life.

Here are two of the classical piece played by the queen of musical instrument - violin, from the anime "La Corda D'oro Primo Passo".

I'll blog about the anime tomorrow, if have time lar =)

First, Ave Maria composed by Schubert. Every note that reached me are soothing and calm. As if I'm floating in the air and become part of the music. Seriously it really gives me that sentimental feeling, precious like a gem.

Likewise, the next song Canon is another amazing piece. I was first engage with this song in O2jam. The music was momentary at first, cause I can't play well and it was all out of tune. So I didn't know how Canon was suppose to sound like at first, but after listening to a full well-played piece, it's compelling. However, I didn't know violin ravish it with a more glamorous way, in a sense that all the note turn out into a more delighted sounds which is just lovely and graceful to the ears. So enjoy =)

I think I'm addicted to violin, but its really really hard to acquire such tremendous skills without constant practices and of course, the passion for it. Plus, a violin cost you a fortune T_T

So yeah, you really must have the passion for it, or its just futile buying one.

Having problem expressing your love?
If music is the language of love, let the music do the talking.
And stroke the golden string.

Friday, April 11, 2008

"Sick sick go away, don't every come back again."

"Sick sick go away, don't every come back again."

That burning sensation inside me is finally gone now, thanks to that super duper effective drugs received from the doctor. Its been awhile since my last visit there, despite how much I hate the clinic, but somehow its just too much to bare with all the heat and sneezing. Then I was escort by my mum to see the doctor.

I always have a very bad impression about doctors. I think doctors are notorious, in a way that they are more interested in making money than to help us, sick patients heal our illness. Did you ever encounter in such situation whereby the doctor just give you medicine and said take this and take that without further explanation on whats your condition? This is merely my experience during my last visit to the clinic few years ago. Yup, that's right, there's at least 3 years I didn't visit the clinic.

Okay, back to my story, But everything changes when I sat down on that stoic cold chair beside the doctor. He gave a warm look at us and started questioning about my problems. Well, in a way, he's extremely entertaining with all his "doctor language" bombarded at us. Very detail explanation, this is my first time I actually felt connected as I actually understood what he says. Never anticipate that I'll get so involved. Anyway, what I'm trying to say was, he's a good doctor.


Thank you for those who cared. Im feeling better now =)

Thursday, April 10, 2008



Wake up with an unbearable sore throat, slight fever, and flu... wtf. Must be all that junk food I ate recently, approximately like 60% of my tummy consumed with chips, peas and all sorts of junkies you can think of! =.=

This post is just to let you know that...
Yeah I'm officially sick~! wtf =/

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

All Gone In 1 Second

All Gone In 1 Second

The most relaxing and flexible day among the five schooling days in my timetable. Only got 1 lecture this morning and Im as free as a flying-bird for the rest of the entire day, haha. Well, not so true also la, lets see what constraints my precious time:

1. MPTE group assignment meeting
2. MCB assignment
3. with abundance of tutorial questions to do wtf

Okay, 1. after ADA lecture, went to M floor with Tsu Ee and Jason to discuss our Marketing assignment. Our mission was to finish our introduction slides but we ended up chit-chatting and surf the web only, wtf. No need those ancient crystal ball also can predict la, students typical behaviour, become norm to us haha. But still manage to produce 2 slides lar.. already damn proud. =) *Happy*

2.Very "qiao" met Charmaine and Jia Wen at M floor as well both busy with their MCB assignment, so kenot tahan adi, influenced by them I also do my assignment, never forgo the good image ma right? so joined them with assignments... and manage to edit a few parts =) *Happy*

3. Tutorial work, hiahz... hardly bother to do. Swt.. thank God my MCB tutor is like Ms Azreena. Gagaga... really pity her, no one listen to her during tutorial nor anybody does her work *whistle* =P

Well.. here's when the tragedy happen:
What would be the worst possible thing that could have happen to you when you're in TAYLORS Business School busy completing your assignment that is due this Friday?

Okay, after being happy and getting all proud-like that I actually am doing my assignment. That 1 second by force wiped out all my WORK WTF!

The worst case scenario ever

No, thats not the worst part
the worst part is that all my unsaved edited assignment, MPTE slides and my new high score record on that "kill time in office" game which I just manage to break through all unsaved larrrr... GONE, DISAPPEAR

This feeling is like you been longing for an item and searched the whole ocean for it, when that item is within your grasp and a wave wash it away. wtf
(ok perhaps not so bad lar, but you get wat I mean)

Stupid,not enough power supply meh? Shortage of electricity meh?
Very very SAD lar
3 of us all lost our assignment!! wtf
T_T. rolling tears can never heal this. But duno why lar... its very very weird, during that 5mins of "stone age" period, we all are laughing like at each other:

"omg? what? I didn't save it." lol
We are so stress till we went nuts *woo woo* o.o
Halt, I take back what I said about the worst part. actually the worst part would be putting our life and doing our assignment in TAYLORS unreliable facilities! So rich still dun want to have a backup powr supply =.=" Next time if this ever happen again and I cannot complete my assignment Im so gona burn this building down.. muahaha =P
Conclusion: Today's efforts are all fiasco,,,all effort disappear in just 1 second wtf. Grrrr... geram betul larrr... <.<
Sorry la, I ter-let my stressed-mind do all the blogging these days huuuhuuu T__T

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Air Gear

Air Gear

This sporty week, enter the world of Air Treck, defy gravity and challenge the speed like you never experience before, all here in Air Gear.

Anime Review

Ikki Minami
Itsuki 'Ikki' Minami is a junior high delinquent and the toughest punk east side of town. Orphaned since young, Ikki lives with the Noyamano sisters.

Ringo Nomayano

As the leader of the "East Side Gunz" (Hikatsuganzu), the cocky 14-year-old has always been a thorn in the side of rival gangs from the west¡Xuntil he attracts the attention of the Skull Saders, a ruthless rollerblade gang equipped with ultra cool skates called 'Air Treck' (AT) that allow them to 'fly' in the air.

Mikan Noyamano

When Ikki gets utterly humiliated by the Skull Saders, the sisters present him with his own pair of AT to even the score. Thrilled by the sensation of flight, Ikki soon finds himself drawn into the exciting and dangerous world of Air Treck!

But even as Ikki aspires to become the best Storm Rider in the game, other challengers are getting ready to wage war on him and his friends to carve out their own legacy. Can Ikki outlast the competition to fulfill his destiny as the fabled Sky King?

Go check it out for yourself =)

Opening theme: Chain by Back-on
Closing theme: Sky 2 High by Skankfunk

My End Verdict:
A sport that is out of this world! Simply unique.

Rating: 4/5.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Update lor!

Update lor!

A hell of a week, got 2 assignments this next week and there's these someone(s) demand for an update! okay la, here is an update but really don't know what to write one, Brian empty. So whatever pops up in my head I just write lar. Now that you know this post is gonna be random and very "mou lui", and I also duno interesting or not but must read, okay? I put my entire heart and soul in writing this crap. You should be happy.

My Stress level as of last week! Exceeded the stress level limit wtf! so fake D=

Last Tuesday
1 April - April Fools

Got fooled by Raymond the first thing we met wtf.
Not going to elaborate on this any further. -end-

Okay, feeling bored adi? told you its really gonna be a random post. But must READ la ok?.. I take the initiatives to blog even under the stress level of 999%. =.=

Here's a really random one: =)

This is like Astro first time to deliver it's Astro guide on time! Seriously lar Im not lying, ever since we moved to KD, the Astro book came very very late one lor. Everytime call them they said issued, should be reaching to you already but non came. Anyway, the reason why I "chui" them to deliver on time cause "duh, they should know how to deliver it on time without reminding them" should really add this into their policy. And "Astro is also like the only magazine I read wtf" - to me Austro guide considered as magazine lar, very entertaining and yada yada so shut up. Dun ask me the reasons I won't know what to answer you.

And here is the "wu liao" one:

Brad Pitt wearing my spectacles looks cool on him right? Im sure everyone agree de la. Even if he really wear specs the next thing you know that specs sold like hot cakes!

Me with my specs, Im cooler than that Brad right? wtf I hate him =.=


Management assignment DONE! Doing management assignment reminds me of legal assignment during SAM wtf<.<.... Now thats it's out of my hand.. my stress level 999% has reduced =D.
okay, there's nothing to celebrate yet... one down... another to go... left MCB due this Friday<.<... I think my stress level shoots up again! wtf =P

P/s: my cantonese suxxxx =D YAY!