Wednesday, April 9, 2008

All Gone In 1 Second

All Gone In 1 Second

The most relaxing and flexible day among the five schooling days in my timetable. Only got 1 lecture this morning and Im as free as a flying-bird for the rest of the entire day, haha. Well, not so true also la, lets see what constraints my precious time:

1. MPTE group assignment meeting
2. MCB assignment
3. with abundance of tutorial questions to do wtf

Okay, 1. after ADA lecture, went to M floor with Tsu Ee and Jason to discuss our Marketing assignment. Our mission was to finish our introduction slides but we ended up chit-chatting and surf the web only, wtf. No need those ancient crystal ball also can predict la, students typical behaviour, become norm to us haha. But still manage to produce 2 slides lar.. already damn proud. =) *Happy*

2.Very "qiao" met Charmaine and Jia Wen at M floor as well both busy with their MCB assignment, so kenot tahan adi, influenced by them I also do my assignment, never forgo the good image ma right? so joined them with assignments... and manage to edit a few parts =) *Happy*

3. Tutorial work, hiahz... hardly bother to do. Swt.. thank God my MCB tutor is like Ms Azreena. Gagaga... really pity her, no one listen to her during tutorial nor anybody does her work *whistle* =P

Well.. here's when the tragedy happen:
What would be the worst possible thing that could have happen to you when you're in TAYLORS Business School busy completing your assignment that is due this Friday?

Okay, after being happy and getting all proud-like that I actually am doing my assignment. That 1 second by force wiped out all my WORK WTF!

The worst case scenario ever

No, thats not the worst part
the worst part is that all my unsaved edited assignment, MPTE slides and my new high score record on that "kill time in office" game which I just manage to break through all unsaved larrrr... GONE, DISAPPEAR

This feeling is like you been longing for an item and searched the whole ocean for it, when that item is within your grasp and a wave wash it away. wtf
(ok perhaps not so bad lar, but you get wat I mean)

Stupid,not enough power supply meh? Shortage of electricity meh?
Very very SAD lar
3 of us all lost our assignment!! wtf
T_T. rolling tears can never heal this. But duno why lar... its very very weird, during that 5mins of "stone age" period, we all are laughing like at each other:

"omg? what? I didn't save it." lol
We are so stress till we went nuts *woo woo* o.o
Halt, I take back what I said about the worst part. actually the worst part would be putting our life and doing our assignment in TAYLORS unreliable facilities! So rich still dun want to have a backup powr supply =.=" Next time if this ever happen again and I cannot complete my assignment Im so gona burn this building down.. muahaha =P
Conclusion: Today's efforts are all fiasco,,,all effort disappear in just 1 second wtf. Grrrr... geram betul larrr... <.<
Sorry la, I ter-let my stressed-mind do all the blogging these days huuuhuuu T__T

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