Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Update lor!

Update lor!

A hell of a week, got 2 assignments this next week and there's these someone(s) demand for an update! okay la, here is an update but really don't know what to write one, Brian empty. So whatever pops up in my head I just write lar. Now that you know this post is gonna be random and very "mou lui", and I also duno interesting or not but must read, okay? I put my entire heart and soul in writing this crap. You should be happy.

My Stress level as of last week! Exceeded the stress level limit wtf! so fake D=

Last Tuesday
1 April - April Fools

Got fooled by Raymond the first thing we met wtf.
Not going to elaborate on this any further. -end-

Okay, feeling bored adi? told you its really gonna be a random post. But must READ la ok?.. I take the initiatives to blog even under the stress level of 999%. =.=

Here's a really random one: =)

This is like Astro first time to deliver it's Astro guide on time! Seriously lar Im not lying, ever since we moved to KD, the Astro book came very very late one lor. Everytime call them they said issued, should be reaching to you already but non came. Anyway, the reason why I "chui" them to deliver on time cause "duh, they should know how to deliver it on time without reminding them" should really add this into their policy. And "Astro is also like the only magazine I read wtf" - to me Austro guide considered as magazine lar, very entertaining and yada yada so shut up. Dun ask me the reasons I won't know what to answer you.

And here is the "wu liao" one:

Brad Pitt wearing my spectacles looks cool on him right? Im sure everyone agree de la. Even if he really wear specs the next thing you know that specs sold like hot cakes!

Me with my specs, Im cooler than that Brad right? wtf I hate him =.=


Management assignment DONE! Doing management assignment reminds me of legal assignment during SAM wtf<.<.... Now thats it's out of my hand.. my stress level 999% has reduced =D.
okay, there's nothing to celebrate yet... one down... another to go... left MCB due this Friday<.<... I think my stress level shoots up again! wtf =P

P/s: my cantonese suxxxx =D YAY!

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