Monday, April 28, 2008

Tagged Again

Tagged Again

Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.

1. At what age do you wish to marry?
Never thought of it before, maybe 26 above gua, but not too old also la~ :P

2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
Wah.. plenty lo ... of course is sleep, read, eat, listen to music, play the piano, drawing, painting and doing bunch of weird stuff (confidential) =)

3. If you have a close close close close friend since childhood who loves to take away whatever you like, including guys/girls, and he/she always wins, will you still consider him/her your friend?
Define "friend" and you tell me lar, wtf. But I will talk sense with this friend first lo, and if its futile, I will have my sweet revenge first before I *diao* him/her. :P

4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Infinite money! hahaha.

5. Do you believe you can survive without money?
Why not?

6. What are you afraid to lose the most?
Things that are very precious to me.

7. What do you feel like doing, right now?
Distance myself to a prairie far far away, where there is zero pollution, stress, worrisome and responsibilities... ahhh... basically just to achieve maximum relaxation. Before Im back to this hectic world =.=

8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
hmmm....will I? hmmm...... .... hmm..... NOPE! =)

9. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Nep, you got any good qualities I can write here~?

10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Thoughtful, understanding... etc.

11. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Kiasu type

12. What is the most embarrassing thing you've done recently?
I weed on my bed 3 weeks ago @@. Very embarrassing sia, but I dreamt I was in the toilet lo..

13. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
When he/she stuffed banana up in his/her nose and call me stupid wtf.

14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Similar questions, well.. everything that is precious to me~ =)

15. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
my pessimistic self.

16. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
my doppelganger :P

17. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
I see myself mature, taller, heavier (not the fat type la), richer and sitting in a 5 star luxury restaurant eating the most expensive chicken listed in the menu. haha :P

18. Do you think you get hungry because you’re cold, or cold because you’re hungry?
I experienced both before T_T

19. What's your all time favourite candy?
Chocolates, but restrained myself of eating too much.

20. If you could jump to any place in the world right now, where would it be?
China-Shang Hai, Japan, London, Paris, Australia, Franch, Italy... sorry la, I'm very demanding how? :P

I tag:
All of you! =D

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