Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Outing At Midvalley

Outing At Midvalley

Ahh.. the much procrastinate outing which adjourned approximately 1 weeks+ has finally visualized last Sunday, 16 March 2008. Being appointed by (?) to be the organizer to plan this outing is an easy task but guessing who will actually turn up on that day is what gives me the willies =.=

Midvalley North Court -10:05am
Arrived at destination at 10am!! just to avoid cramp in between long queue to buy movie tickets, and of course hopefully can get better seats also la WTH!!!. Okay, bought movie tickets for 6 adi, and it consumed less than 5 minutes to do so zzzOMG.... So, roaming around aimlessly at MV la while waiting for them to arrive... what to do???

Outside GSC - 10:40am
After 20 minutes, Shian arrived with her family. Haha, first time someone came earlier than our "meet up" time, lol..

Then 10 minutes later, which now 11am+
Hsiao Yinn formally known as Hygienic Pink Ranger arrived =).

Outside GSC - 11:30am
Shian went for an early movie-Ah Long Pte Ltd with her family. Now left me and HY(pink ranger), lepak outside GSC =.="

SMS received:
From Sylvia: May be late depends on the traffic, but will definitely come =D
From Nep: Sorry I think I ffk, lots of work! Dx

*sight of disappointment* T_T

Minutes later, came Ana lighten our day =D. Then we went for bowling~! Oh yeah, HY invited her (b)friend along with us too for bowling. The more the merrier =)

p/s: *failed to snap picture of him, ask pink ranger for it* =P

~Bowling Combat Begins~


Pink Ranger is the first in line =)
"Yes! Guttered!!!" Lol

Next, MIA - Me In Action! =)
"First ball hit 1 pin!"
"2nd fell in the gutter T_T"

Up next, Ana! =)
The only person who got strike that day.

Look at this pic
Missed? Guttered? or Spared?
I wish it was guttered but HY got the spare

And that's explained how the scores turned out

Suffer from fatigue after bowling. So we cari tempat makan, to feed our tummy =)

Had Yo-Sushi for lunch xP.

That's when Sylvia arrived and Shian finished her movie, both came and joined us. xD
Also HY and AD(her bf)
(sorry forgot to take pics) =/

After lunch... entering

went to an ice-cream bar (forgot the name).

looking on all the varieties! =)

Picture Perfect Moment

We still like to be "spoon feed" sometimes xD

Haha, can't resist the smell of the passion fruits >.<

Lol, I dunno what to write for this pic xD

Went back to 3rd floor for movies and saw this car models
Spot Ana and Shian at the background =)

Before entering the cinema
More photo posing ;)

I think I just heard it "MEOWs" @.@

Sylvia with my camera, cam whore-ing in the relief point

It's about time for our show =)
They existed Sylvia to take their picture, lol

The Spiderwick Chronicles

Thats the movie we watched, quite okay lar =)

I really did have fun, seriously
But when I put into words, it's sounds so boring.

Really thank you all for this enchanted outing. Hopefuly next time ALL can present, dun FFK!!!Nep, you're next to organize =.="

By the way, if you wondering what happened to pink ranger? Haha, ask her yourself =P

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