Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Life of a Disciple

Life of a Disciple

It's been hectic and happening for the past 2 weeks in university with all the thesis and assignments due in late March and early April. Aiks... I haven't even started anything O_O

Week 1
Our orientation was pretty boring! The worst part was during block lecture, which has a super effective sleeping spell casted all over the LT!! However, I think that Mr Stan, the speaker has a great stature. We just don't appreciate, maybe it's because of the long duration of 4 hours non stop talking!!! Transforming us into psychopaths >=( the horrible truth!! I dunno how many times I almost fall asleep =P

Week 2
Knowing the Mentors
All the lecturers here are friendly, understanding and sensible (in their own way).

My Marketing lecturer, Ms Alice. Miss judged her at first @.@, cause she was so fierce during our first lecture last week which makes the whole LT1 to an eerie silence. Thought she was turpitude and harsh, but she turns out to be quite okay. Appears as demure, but that deceiving facade belies a feisty personality! Yup, thats pretty much what I think of her FOR NOW.

Though it's still abit too early for conclusion, but they definitely have the epitome in their field of teaching. =)

Knowing the Students
Whilst us, the students are just being ourselves. Clinging tight to our schedule, 5 days a week, stretching for knowledge and the truth. At the same time, we try to intermingle each other. =)

This week we have another block lecture for Managing Communication with Ms Tracey. And this is worst than Mr.Stan block lecture! She actually have the ability to increase the absentees day by day. =P

Ahh.. now that I noticed a myriad pile of work with the size treble of my college books on my desk, the moment has come to wield my pen and begin a war!

Ciao =)

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