Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hiahz for Hi~

Hiahz for Hi~

Well, nothing much has been going on

Obviously cause there was nothing interesting going in my life lately

Cause my weekdays are always like this:
5.30 am - 6.20 am- wakes up and get ready
6.20 am - 6.40 am- wait for bus
6.40 am - 7.45 am- stone / being retarded in bus / sleep
8.00 am - 3.00 pm- lecture and tutorials
3.00 pm - 3.15 pm wait to go home
3.15 pm - 4.00 pm goes home
4.00 pm- 5.30 pm- watches anime / eat / sleep / play piano
6.00 pm- 6.30 pm- take bath ( i don't take that long la =X)
6.30 pm- 7.00 pm- snacks before dinner =X
7.00 pm - 7.30+ pm- eat dinner
7.30 pm- ?.?? pm- do all my homework / blog / stone / slack / dreaming
?.?? pm- 10.30 pm/11. 30 pm- chat online? / stone / draw comic.... / just play my piano again... now you know why i love piano... it's like part of my life! OMG ;O

Weekends are random... so yea... not going to go to it...
Another (?) that makes me stress is yea... everyone is the same
Assignments and ASSIGNMENTS~!
got a 2000 words case study to complete which due next Monday
and I haven't start xD

Oh yea, currently taking LAW again~!
Gosh during SAM law was my worst subject D;
Now I have to conquer LAW again~! D;

p/s.: to Jia Yi.. BEAR BEAR BEAR
spot the bear? xD

Guess til then, gotta continue doing my essays ;D

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