Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter Sunday

Colourful baby chicks
It's hard to believe that they are REAL!
It's so cute
but I can't imagine what happen when they grow up

Melt in cuteness
I seriously want to hold one in my hands now!

Time flies... a quarter of the year has passed
we're now left with 75% of 2012 year

I am having my mid semester break
Sheer joy and yet I need to accomplish something
to make this week worthwhile

I'm going under a mission at this very moment as we speak
a mission seeking to witness my hardwork come to fruition

needless to say, I need to put in more effort...

Anyway... colourful eggs...
Happy Easter Sunday everyone
Hmm... kinda pointless entry,
but wishing you well doesnt seems so, right? ;)

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