Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Stabilo Uni Competition Winner!

Checking my email this morning and received an astonishing email!

Winner of Stabilo Shoe Design Uni Competition!!!

Though I must recognise the effort I put into it
but I think lucky plays a role as well

A BIG Thank You to Stabilo

This email will make the rest of my day a wonderful one.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Kyabje Choden Rinpoche's Blessing

Received teaching and blessings from Kyabje Choden Rinpoche

I'm very blessed and lucky indeed

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter Sunday

Colourful baby chicks
It's hard to believe that they are REAL!
It's so cute
but I can't imagine what happen when they grow up

Melt in cuteness
I seriously want to hold one in my hands now!

Time flies... a quarter of the year has passed
we're now left with 75% of 2012 year

I am having my mid semester break
Sheer joy and yet I need to accomplish something
to make this week worthwhile

I'm going under a mission at this very moment as we speak
a mission seeking to witness my hardwork come to fruition

needless to say, I need to put in more effort...

Anyway... colourful eggs...
Happy Easter Sunday everyone
Hmm... kinda pointless entry,
but wishing you well doesnt seems so, right? ;)