Monday, August 2, 2010

New Semester Drama!

Every year and every time when a new semester begins, I have these great anxiety and nervousness of whats possibilities lies ahead of me. Thinking about it makes me realize I'm not that confident as I thought I was. This aches me lot in times like this. Thinking of the qualities of my character that I possess and the qualities that I wish I have every time I see my idols and role models appear on television, it sparks up this driving force of desire inside me to never give up in building, developing and improve myself.

In some occasion I really hate one thing about myself! and it is that negative thinking circulating round and round inside my head. How I wish it would just disappear forever! Such negative thoughts are often the reasons for the frown appearance that you normally spot in public where people wear them on the facade, depression feelings or emo moments! Whenever I see how a child or someone, anybody that is younger than me that have achieved so much more than me, the negative feeling just makes me envy them! Whilst I really wish I could be happier for that person. However, the truth is I AM!

A show once taught me some noble values of how to able to love yourself! The saying metaphor goes like this: everyone in this world is a rice dumpling, behind them are the ingredient that is placed on them which defines what type of dumpling you are. They are ingredient of many shapes, sizes and colours, and of course the best to have is the purple plum. In the front, like as if we see in a mirror reflection of ourselves, we only able to see ourselves as a plain white rice dumpling. And because other people fillings are placed on their backs, we sometimes only notice the good qualities of other people and not see it in one self. This make us thinking that we are not as fortunate as others! Little did we know, the qualities that we envy the most is the very own quality that we already have on our backs! Its just... sometimes that it is hard for us to notice them!

This saying holds many insightful meaning to everyone, I hope. It teaches us to stay positive ad its pretty much the thing I really need at times of turning point like this. "A turn is not the end of a road, unless you fail to make a turn!" I really hope those people who is in the same situation like me are able to find something to love about yourself! All the admirable qualities are inside you and always will be, and that light inside you, it cannot be taken away by anyone!

May you blessed with infinite happiness :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Come What May~ Gotta Love This!

One of my favourite movie and song of all time!

Moulin Rouge

Ewan Macgregor/nicole Kidman - Come What May Lyrics

Never knew I could feel like this
Like Ive never seen the sky before
I want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day Im loving you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time

Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesnt't't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you
And there's no mountain too high
No river too wide
Sing out this song I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I love you until the end of time


Oh, come what may, come what may
I will love you, I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Study Break SP2 2010

The break that I've been longing has almost come to an end. Didn't go any places though, but somewhat I'm quite happy about it, as the time I spend at home getting to know about my interesting housemates from many different yet exciting walks of life. It's quite an experience, I think it's merely because our topics are not all general, but somewhat personal which really brought the gap closer!

Just the other day, I've met 2 of my housemate' nieces, whom came to Adelaide for a 2 week vacation. It was at night when I was in the kitchen preparing dinner, the closed door besides me opened and came to sight of 2 unfamiliar faces! I thought they are new tenants of the place and that's how the conversation begin. First, came the name, the happenings, and we eventually move on our discussion to our family roots. This is the point where it really amaze me, when I learned that they are actually half Chinese! As he conversation goes on and on, we eventually strikes a topics on our Chinese names as well.

I've learned something about Thailand! Is that they have their long school breaks on March - May, approx of 3 months! That explains much regarding the students with uniforms walking on the streets while we're having a holiday in Bangkok last year.

The best moment of that night was when I offered them fruits after dinner. Apparently they unheard of honeydew! It is my childhood fav' fruits in the whole wide world, and they took the courage and take a bite of a piece of fruit that they unheard of. They first response after taking a taste of it was a rather sweet response. They even considering of making this newly acknowledged honeydew as their fav' fruit. With a smile of my face, bearing to laughter, my thoughts told me, generous gesture often followed by positive results, like how sweet things always put a smile on kid's faces.

It's a fine day to end with. =)