Tuesday, April 14, 2009

DELL-ing On The Way!


Recently my VAIO laptop has been cranky, the sound it produce as I switch on my laptop it's like a monster growling in hunger. It's just spooky at times. What can I say, it has been with me since high school, my dad bought it for me, my very own and first laptop when I'm in my secondary 4. I guess it's useful life has reach it's tail! *pray its not* =.= It does not bothers me to change a brand new ones untill....

One day when I open the paper, I came across this DELL advertising leaflet with its best bargain laptops printed on the cover that caught my attention. Not a bad offer that comes with some of the lastest component and of course FREE-BEES... come on, everyones love a FREE-BEE!

When I analyse my future-to-be laptop into pros and cons, there is only one CON that bugs me because there's no other options for me to customise this! which it runs with WINDOWS VISTA!! O_O

Overall, I give it a 99% favs, and currently I'm patiently waiting for it to deliver at my doorstep. *the excitement - undescribale!* =D

Ugly word of the day:

Attractive word of the day:


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