Saturday, October 25, 2008



Anime Review

As the world crumble, came along a teenage Goddess to shape things up. The only thing that is holding her back was the lack of confidence in her ability. Is she really fit to be a Goddess? Check it out in Kamichu alias Teenage Goddess.

Thus begins Yurie Hitotsubashi's new life, and the shy schoolgirl is completely uncertain about her sudden divinity. Yurie's best friend is little help: Mitsue is hardly impressed, true to her level-headed nature - in the world of Kamichu, gods and spirits are everywhere. But their classmate Matsuri has other ideas. Quickly declaring herself Yurie's new "best friend", she helps Yurie discover her powers - releasing a tornado in the process.

From L-R: Mitsue Shijo, Yurie Hitotsubashi, Matsuri Saegusa, Miko Saegusa and Pet-Tama

Accompanied by the loyal Mitsue and enthusiastic Matsuri - who tries to replace her family's Shinto shrine god with Yurie for profit - as well as her supernatural friends, like the kooky disillusioned god Yashima-sama with rock-star dreams, and the cat Tama, Yurie gradually comes to terms with her powers and newfound responsibilities. From granting wishes and fending off bad luck and hardship to handling aliens for the government, Yurie has to learn to protect her village even as she juggles school and an unrequited crush on clueless calligraphy talent Kenji.

Opening Theme: Hare Nochi Hare - Maho Tomita
Closing Theme: Aisu Kyandi - MAKO

My End Verdict:
Strangely enough this anime begins with Yurie being selected and choosen as Goddess. The reason to this is however not disclosed in the anime and keep viewers ponder upon this mysterious conclusion. Other than that, this anime consist many charming slice-of-life drama that straddles fantasy and reality with sweet elegance.

Despite that, the winner of the Excellence Award at the Japan Media Arts Festival 2005 is non other then, KAMICHU! With critics comparing KAMICHU's style and animation to hit anime movie Spirited Away, this surreal but sincere anime will touch the heart of any fan!

Rating: 3.6/5

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