Monday, July 28, 2008

Uni is Back!

Uni is Back!

Today is the starting of my 2nd semester in uni noooo ><"
I didn't get to finish all my games during the holiday =(
Finally found addicting games not so addicting anymore haha...

Getting ready to carry my heavy bag =="
Getting ready for surprises tomorrow ;D
Getting ready for the pressure of the assignments and exams
Getting ready to ache again during 12h block lecture haha... well not always =x
Getting ready for those homeworks again...
Getting ready for all those lessons again...
Hoping that I don't forget to print my lecture notes tomorrow
and buy those million dollar text books ;D
AHHHH everything is back after a 2+ weeks holiday rest!! T_T

But what more can I ask?
I did enjoy this holiday ;)
I also managed to end it by having a cheap yet fulfilling Bakuteh at Taman Mega <3
And ended it with a bang in Haagen Daz <3

Call me pig if you want cause I love eating =p

p/s: don't call me pig, ty xD

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Genting Trip

Genting Trip

Warning: this post is uploaded with myraid camwhoring photos (some are super lame) xD

haha an overdue post, due to my laziness to get those pictures from friends, and Im still lack of some group pictures T___T, nevertheless this post goes on ;P

Facts of what happen the night before Genting trip:
#1 We're planned for Redang trip 1 week ago
#2 Many can't made it so Redang trip, cancelled, instead we organised for Genting ;)
#3 Wilson told me trip cancelled
#4 The day before our Genting trip (approx 10pm), Yean Sia called asking me about my transportation to Genting
#5 Confusion... thought Genting was also cancelled, haihz havent inform my parents
#6 12:30am finally they got home, I went downstairs *gloat* super scared of what would they reply if I asked for their permission to go genting in less than 8 hours before the trip =.=
#7 Permission granted (maybe its because of my good job on taking in charge of the house, self indulging) xD
#8 Zoom back to my room and started packing.. 1am finally slept

Haha.. my parents also blured by me, first I told them Redang - cancelled - Genting - cancelled - Genting again =.=

Anyway, the next day took LRT to Masjid Jamek and meet up with them, then Ian's mother unselfishly willing to drive us to Gompak bus station, abundance thanks xD

Pictures taken from 23th July - 24th July =)
yea, a one night trip xD

Ian and me
in the bus at Gompak bus station, we almost missed the bus thats why we sit at the back :P
departed at 1pm =)
Wilson and Yean Sia

After 40 minutes++ of chit-chatting in the bus we finally arived at Genting xD
all excited until we are so unconsiderate, taking pictures in the middle of the road until the security guard came and shoo us haha

Dilemma! First World or Highland Hotel?
and we pick the 5 star Highland Hotel xD

Me acting weird at the lobby =.=

At the entrence..
Do you know how many pass-byers have to stop, just so we can take this picture?
Ya.. all was staring at us while we took this =.=

Was raining when we got there, no theme park T__T
so karaoke was our next alternative

crappy mirror
made my nose looks huge here >=(
I just discovered that we all innate camwhore-ness since young xD

Another mirror pose

More mirror pose xD

Me, Ian and Yean Sia

ok, there is a story lies in this picture
you see, that day we was thinking of joining Jia Wen and gang to Safari and since it was "Ladies Night", ladies get free etrence, so avoid paying RM30 he transformed himself to impersonate a lady. As you can see from the outcome la... no one would buy it :P

Beautiful Sunset ;D
Ignore the lousy window view =.=

It was 7pm+
We decided to camwhore outside for some scenery photos xD

Awas: Camwhorers ahead haha xP

We dined in "Shang Hai Tian" for dinner
*still didn't manage to get the group pictures* >.<

After dinner we went for arcade with Jia Wen and gang
Love this game, its a touch screen game where you throw balls at the target on the screen
until a certain pressure, it reacts and you score tickets xD
Well unless you miss the target la :P
But we never fail to score 50 tickets every game.. haha 7 ppl playing XD

Meet the team/challengers for Mario speed racing xD

Poser :P

Done with arcade and we have 226 tickets which..

Haha... that 226 tickets entitled us for 8 Genting stickers lol wtf xD
The pedestrain also clueless of what are we trying to imply in this pose haha

Posing with our prizes which cost us RM5 each pieces xD

Despite the smiling faces
we are so unsatisfy with our prizes, so we did this, kidding :P

We found this super cool tube lighting outside the pub

Haha, if you watch Dragon Ball... then you'll know this is their pose when they want to combine powers wtf xD

On our way out again xD

Approx. 11pm now
we're like those run-away from home kids xD

We found 3 nicely displayed rocks which supposedly to be benches
however, we used it as our camwhoring stage haha

Haha, thats what we did from 11pm - before our show at 1am
roaming around aimlessly and posing for pictures :P

Ok, we dumped that Safari plan and we suggested to go for movie

Our show starts from 1:15am - ends at 3:45am

Watched "The Dark Knight"
10/10 - love this show, go watch! xD

So dam tired after the movie, I slept right after that
while I was in lala land, they went for cup noodles =.=

Finally all of us slept, how could we not slept when we paid for 5 star hotel with 2 double bed and not sleep on it?
Even though we slept, we're not happy about it

So... went to toilet took all the oral care supplies, tooth brush, tooth paste, hand soap, shower cap and even the whole tissue box haha
and then camwhore again before we checkout xD

Elephants with Wilson and Yean Sia

Elephants with WIlson and me xD

Elephants with Ian
gosh we are such an elephant lovers xD

We walked quite awhile just to decide what should we have for breakfast
and Sushi King came to our minds

My favourite Cha Soba xD

*Gan Bei*
A final toast before we leave
Ya, adults toast with wine; students toast with tea ok!?! no ok?!?

We love the morning breeze
though we can reach our bus terminal through indoors, but we purposely walk outdoor xD

Final photo shot before we depart
I so dumb, didn't know there is a 1U bus to/from Genting >.<

At last, it's the end of our 1 night Genting trip
took the bus back to 1U with Yean Sia
while them waiting for their bus to KL

Arrived at 1U, bought waffle ice-cream as introduced by her
look at our sleepy eyes T__T

Haha.. I went straight to bed again when I got home... a mere 3 hours+ sleeping for last night. But since we're in Genting, might as well enjoy every minute than going to bed right?

Definitely another memorable trip
Thanks you all xD

Next post... hmm.. i think about it first xD

Friday, July 25, 2008



omg omg omg
Results are out
I know I've said my next post was supposed to be Genting trip, but this is more important!

While on my laptop posting in forum
"Oh yea.. I found this cool anime forum last week and been posting 10 post a day wtf"
So relaxing, after from the trip yes-yesterday, and then...
Yean Sia MSN-ed me, asking how's my result
*staring like an idiot at her words*
Super shocked, the notice I received stated that results to be released tomorrow
Hiahz was thinking I still have time for panicking tonight, instead I'm hit by a full blast of panic attack after she said that...
lucky im still breathing now :P


A sudden gesture of relief, pleased and excitement at the same time
I got 3 Donkeys (distinction) and 1 Cat (credit) today =)

Accounting - D (I kill myself if I don't get D)
Management - D (shocked)
Marketing - D (surprised)
Managing communication in business - C (blame me)

Overall, was happy.
Teehee... ok, still trying to steal pictures from friends...
Genting post will be up either by tonight or tomorrow xD

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Noob on Keys~!

Noob on Keys~!

Quite occupied lately, after one week of sister-sitting, while parents was away, I spent the whole day piano-ing and finished reading Harry Potter which I bought it last year wtf haha.

Alright, as stated as my topic, so give chance lar k?

Kodoku from Full Metal Alchemist =)
Its part of the BGM you'll hear if you watch FMA series. I never watch that anime, but the music its nice. Simple yet deep, me like it ;D

Canon in D major (easy version)
This is a different variation from the Canon theme composed by Pachelbel (a rather simple version than the other piece that I say it seriously rawks, not yet perfected, still in practice though). Meanwhile, hope you enjoy this =D

Ahhh... my soul soars tonight xD

Still searching for a better version of Gigue (it pronounced as jig), a grade 6 exam piece, that song rawks too. It resembles the dance of the Baroque era in Europe, that regularly performed in theater and opera. One thing unique about it is that if you observe it carefully, you can hear a combination of 2 songs played at the same time, and it doesn't contradict, instead it sounds wonderful. Pretty amazing eh =D

Next post, Genting trip!

p/s: currently stealing Genting photos from firneds
p/p/s: yeah, I uploaded in youtube so the video does not appear twice!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Habbo Hotel

Habbo Hotel

I can't believe I spend time playing this game... sorta lame sorta fun at times. Ya, the game is called Habbo Hotel, once you created an account you get a room plus some furniture at your own taste. Now the main purpose of this game is to meet people and make friends la, other then that is seriously nothing to do adi.

Went to visit some guests room created by fellow Habbos, and they have organized some games and events like modeling and last-person-standing-lose, mazes, races... etc. Quite fun if you play this game when you are super bored like me right now. But the judges for the games dam bias one sometimes =.= (so go for other games like wheel-of-fortune, but very sienz one lar... not challenging compared to others)

Okok super big pixels one, graphics and effects dam old and low class one, can see with naked eyes, something like those games in invented long long ago, but colours better by inches =P

Enough said, I'm just too sien, exploring the net for game ;O
Now here are some of the screen shots, and you be the judge~

Break in to someone's room xD
Freaking rich, furnished with Versailles set omg... envy
yaya too bad this game has no "steal" appliances T__T

Some forest decorated room with jugle theme songs too
Green lover xD

This room is simply romantique ;O

Some people so rich to turn their room into a fancy restaurant
without servant and chef ;P

Some wierd place full of teleoprt booths
and thats how I go break in to those places above ;D

The Lido, public space... Im so dam tiny here, spot me xD

They have their very own radio channel too powered by Nokia wtf

Done with this lame post, haha

p/s: Im abusing my holidays for playing games 8D

p/p/s: taking for granted of my holidays NOW when I know I gonna appreciate it again when my uni starts THEN.

ppp/s: the end~