Monday, June 2, 2008

Mary Had A Little Lamb

Mary Had A Little Lamb
(I have no idea why Im putting this as my title)

#1 Welcome back papa
Yay, dad finally comes back again from Shang Hai. Why am I so excited? Cause whenever he comes back he never fails to bring home souvenirs haha. But as predicted always ever since he works in China, he always brought home new clothes for me! Sometime he even bought clothes that I hardly wear (now still hanging in my closet, hiahz generation gap, different taste of style). However, sometimes he just surprises me, so I guess its not so bad la... and those clothes he bought, I can learn to love them one right? even if those kind that I never really want to wear in public kind of clothes I will wear it at home hahah. Still I appreciate most of the things he bought =)

#2 SiChuan Earthquake
Its very weird to say this but, sometimes I can't really understand my feelings at all. When I first heard of the Earthquake in SiChuan, I don't seems to demonstrate the much sympathy at all, besides donate and slot in RM1 into the charity box la. But when I just watched the news recently, gosh, my tears just burst into pouring rain wtf. And I told myself don't be so stingy la, next time please generously donate more $$$ to charity =.=
(I'm very sentimental one k, emotion based not reasoning based wtf)

#3 Soothing the soul and reach the heart
I am proud to say that my Canon in D major is in an upward progress. I'm a pro in playing the beginning of song adi ahah, so dam proud, now just can't wait to complete the whole song. Haha a bit self indulging wtf. But seriously too happy adi, cause when I deeply fall in love with the my favourite songs and managed to produce it instead by myself rather than mere listening to it, I just too happy la! But still needs work though =.= and my final is drawing close, how how how?

#4 this is my #100 post!!!
Yay, I didn't know I'm such a heavy blogger (self indulging again!) and manage to blog up to 100 posts in less than 1 year yay! Clelebrate? lame =P

#5 Needs help with certain issues
a) stupid internet ads keeps pop up recently, have I switched off something that caused this problem? Cause it's driving me crazy, every click on the internet and this ads just pops up wtf >=
b) I have this problem with my media box for my blog, duno why 2 weeks ago my media box not functioning anymore, have many problems lar... cannot produce noise adi, so have any other web for that?
c) help help tolong tolong please =.=

#6 Totally forgot!
I totally forgot to do my WileyPlus (online) assessment. T____T every since the killer assignment week, I neglected my online assessment to focus on my assignments, but then after assignments I forgot about my assessment wtf T___T what to do? stupid lame lazy excuses won't bail me out of this situation >.<. Gosh!

#7 Lazy to upload pictures sorry lar, this post entry abit boring!

#8 the end

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