Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Creation of Mother Nature

The Creation of Mother Nature

This time 100% free from all sorts of scary pics haha. So today purposely post up some splendid and magnificent work of mother nature, enjoy~ =)

Can you see anything there?
At first I thought it was the stripes that makes this picture unique, but I was wrong look closely, it's actually a shape of a man and a lady facing each other~

Camel face, right~?

Two faces xD

Argh.. forgot what's the name of this fish~ >.< Shape of a person



This picture looks like Homer Simpson~ -.-


Shadow of a duck~

A sobbing man
(it resembles how much mother nature is suffering)

Beautiful disaster

Lastly, I-have-no-idea-what-is-this animal =)

Before I go,
A big happy mothers day,
May there be as much happiness as possible for you~
Love You So So Much~! <3

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