Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Letter From Miss Azreena

A Letter From Miss Azreena

Just a few days before our final day in SAM, everyone of us (L3) received a letter from our beloved ESL teacher, Miss Azreena.

What's written on the letter is an encouraging peom by Cathrine Pulsifer. And here's the peom:

Believing in You
By Catherine Pulsifer, 1997

Never stop believing in yourself.
When others doubt, don't you.
Do what you love to do,
No one knows better than you.
Life is too short to live others' dreams
Follow your own dream
Push yourself to reach your goals
And live the life you once dreamed
Trust your instincts.
Be true to yourself.
You know what is right for you.
Never give up or give in.
Forget the words "I don't know how".
You can learn,
You can research,
You can do.
Your mind is powerful.
When you believe you can.
You will find a way.
You won't waste a day.
Persist and persevere
Do not fear
Because if you believe in you
You will find dreams can come true.
May all your dreams turn into goals,
Believe in yourself.
And remember, all of life is a choice.
The decision is up to you.

This piece of creative writing in verse, express deep feelings and noble thoughts in beautiful language. Such lovely and meaningful peom really means alot to me. It resemble life. Thank you for your wonderful letter, and all the best in your future lifes. May there be as much happiness for you as possible. Thank you, Miss Azreena. =)

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