Monday, June 15, 2009

Joe Jonas Single Ladies Dance

Argh, I can't believe I just watched the whole bloody clip of Joe Jonas Single Ladies Dance! It was hilarious and scary at the same time - what awkwardness!

If you don't wanna watch it, turn back now! hit the "x" button!

You know how hard it is to UNSEE things~????
Anyway, enjoy it ;D

I know I know... I'll start doing a proper post after my finals
till then, hope you're all well and have a great week x ends =D

p/s: I think JB owes the world an apology!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Thank You!


I have a blast at the very last 5 minutes of my birthday last night. Thanks for the delicious marble cake guys, didn't expect a celebration to happen so late at night LOL.

A shout out to all those who wishes me on my birthday,
a very big thank you to you guys
I really appreciate all of them and I replied and thanked you but I feel like its not enough so I've to thank you guys once more here =')

And also a shout out to my family, thank you for the lovely birthday card, its just lovely to know how much you all care ;D

Hope you all are well and have a great week x end~