The week before last week was filled with me trying to solve those online accommodation email, non-stop ritual of praying newest edition of Uni text book will release before I leave to Aus (which obviously a negative response) and online courses enrollment dramas *phew*. The following week was then occupied with farewells gatherings/party with my precious uni Friends, SAM's friends but sadly no CHS's friends (Jia Yi so sorry I cant make it... it was quite last minute T___T, reunite with you guys again end of the year ya =D ).
BBQ at Ian's place
Nice home you have there! *claps claps*
Nice home you have there! *claps claps*
Farewell party for: Yean Sia, Jia Wen and me
Front row L-R: Yean Sia, Charmaine, Jia Wen, Chai Yun
Standing L-R: Ian (host), Jenq, Wilson and me
Getting the food ready
YS looks very boh song haha (a direct quote from Ian) *peace
YS looks very boh song haha (a direct quote from Ian) *peace
Jia Wen and me with our partially cooked first batch of chickens!
Me and Charmaine with Chai Yun's chicken wing xD
The complete group photos with Yoon in white imported all the way from Korea Lol...
The host is responsible for the cleaning eh? :P
Gin Rummy with my friends!
This game require strategy, skills and plenty of luck!!!!
Emphasised more on LUCK!!!
This game require strategy, skills and plenty of luck!!!!
Emphasised more on LUCK!!!
Us flashing our deck of tiles!
Guess mana punya tangan saya?
Our very own version of Moonlight Resonance, 溏心風暴之家好月圓 LOL
Last Sunday!
Sylvia organized a farewell for me T__T thanks Sylvia!
And those who came thank you guys for being there =)
Sylvia organized a farewell for me T__T thanks Sylvia!
And those who came thank you guys for being there =)
Those who cant make it, it's okay, there's still a next time!
and thanks to those who SMS their farewell wishes to me T___T
and thanks to those who SMS their farewell wishes to me T___T
Very touching betul T_____T
To Shereen, I'm still patiently awaits for her to upload the group photos. xD
A super hot plate of Olio spaghetti
Thanks Jian Bin for trading with me or not I'll be suffering finishing my lunch! T__T
Thanks Jian Bin for trading with me or not I'll be suffering finishing my lunch! T__T
Oh oh.. do you know yesterday, Monday night at 8 there's a eclipes present?
p/s: YeanSia I want the home visiting photos (sounds nicer than collecting ang pau visit ok!), facebook them xD
Ok, this will be my last post in Malaysia and will be back blogging after arriving at Australia. Now I'm back to packing my stuff! See ya all soon k? =D